Sunday, November 30, 2008

Simple Life

I have been thinking of ways to simplify our life. I can't stand having to run around all of the time. Ben feels the stress too. He can't stand it either! We have decided we are not going to sign up for anything for the next few months except the bare minimum - Josh is doing basketball and Daniel will start Flag Football, both of which are low key. I hope.

We will see how Ben feels come winter break.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

.... our Thanksgiving Day ...

... was very nice.
Susan & Mark made a lovely dinner and we had nice conversation and had a great time.

Friday (as in Black Friday) we were going to go shopping and Allen and Josh woke up sick - followed closely by Ben and now me!

We made it home earlier then planned before I got sick (thankfully) and now we recuperate. I hate when my boys are sick. They are not good sick people! I hate it even more when I am sick too.


Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

We have much to be thankful for.

Family. Friends. Health. Jobs. Dogs. Life.

We are celebrating Thanksgiving with Susan and her family in Fresno and are debating going to the sales.
I wonder if we will find anything good.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

My Baby is Eight

I can't believe that I wrote those words!
My baby is eight.
Where have these eight years gone?

Daniel is pure boy. All the way thru and thru.
He loves to climb trees, dig in the dirt, look for bugs, swim in the pool, go to the beach, look for sand crabs, make up stories with his brother, read books, watch Mythbusters & Dirty Jobs - over and over again!
He knows every episode that we have on our DVR and won't let us erase any of them. He knows all of the secrets and some days says he is going to be the guy on Mythbusters!
He loves his dogs- especially Jack. He doesn't let Harry's growl bother him - he just picks him up and carries him around like he is a doll.

He has many friends and is a friend to many. His very best friend in the whole world is his brother Ben. That makes me very happy.
He has a very easy time in school and sometimes tells me that he feels like he could teach the class. He is probably right. He always asks questions and actually LISTENS for the answers.

He loves to play board games. Not just any board games; not just normal board games but games like RISK and STRATEGO are at the top of his list.

I can't believe that it was eight years ago that he came into this world, I can't believe that eight years has gone by.

He completed our family.
He made us a family of five.

Happy Birthday to my Baby Boy Daniel Martin.
I love you with all of my heart and soul.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Happy Birthday to Mom

Mom's Birthday is today! Happy Birthday to my Mom. She is 69 years old.
I hope she finds happiness in her life soon.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I've been biten by the vampire bug! I love the Twilight Book by Stephenie Meyer and am finding it addicting! I am hoping to be finished with the first one tonight so I can get started on the second. I don't think I will be done by Friday but plan on seeing the movie soon!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Daniel's 8th Birthday Celebration

We had Daniel's 8th Birthday Celebration! It was a huge success! Following with his love of Science & Mythbusters we had a Science Birthday Party. I ordered some stuff from Steve Spangler
and we had the BEST time! We played with Flubber and Water Spheres and Oobeleck and made Gloobas and Sandy Candy.

Daniel got some great gifts and his most favorite was a Marble Works set and he got enough gift cards that he purchased a microscope which he loves!

I can't believe my baby is going to be eight on the 20th. Time sure does fly!

Friday, November 14, 2008


Here we go again. I guess that is the way of life now in Southern California.
Fires instead of Snowstorms... I think I will have it that way ... but it sure is scary to see what looks like the end of the world in the sky.

We are hoping the wind shifts and the fires burn to the open space instead of the homes.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Visit to Palm Desert

We had a fantastic time this past weekend.
We spent three glorious days in Palm Desert.
We enjoyed the beautiful weather and spent some great time with our cousin Adelle.
What a treat it was to get away and have some fun time with family!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

FTTS - A kindergartener

Funny Things They Say...

A Kindergartener says to me...

"Mrs. Rosen, John McCain is an idiot."

I nearly choked on my diet coke with laughter ...
his teacher told him that he should save his political comments for home!

How right he was though!

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Who uses facebook?
It's an interesting tool to stay in touch with people and get in touch with new people! I find myself intrigued by the update people offer in their everyday lives...
What is it about the internet?!