I find myself posting to you all when I have something to complain about.
Today I come to you with a good news post.
I just want to brag for a minute about Allen and Ben and Daniel.
I decided two years ago that I needed to do something bigger in my life then just
what I was doing.
That bigger was raising money for the AVON walk for breast cancer.
Between last year and this year I raised nearly $5,000. (less than $100 away from $5K!).
But what was more amazing then that...
My husband trained in nearly every walk I did and in that last month has walked approximately
50 miles with me to make sure I am ready.
The walk was this past weekend.
We got up early (4 am) - Ben and Daniel jumped out of bed - loved the idea of leaving home in the
dark -
they never once complained.
(Josh had a weekend commitment).
But what was more amazing is Ben decided he wanted to walk all the miles with me.
17 miles my 12 year old boy who has the soul of a 45 year old man, walked, talked,
laughed, cheered and said that he was so glad that he got to spend that time with his Mom.
For 17 miles Allen and Daniel - my 10 year old boy were there every 2 miles to cheer and clap
and give high fives and take pictures all the way along. Then a surprise - the last two miles
they walked into the route looking for Ben and I and walked the last two miles with us holding
our hands!
I am so lucky.
I may complain. I may feel frustrated at times but I remind myself in moments like that
that moments like this exist. I just want to share with all of you.
At the very end it was Ben and I, hand in hand, walking across the finish line.
So proud of our accomplishment!!
Home Sweet Home! by The Pioneer Woman
4 years ago